Regular maintenance is the key to keeping your diesel running in tip top condition without costly repairs. Performing regular oil, coolant and fuel filter changes can save money down the proverbial road.
Even legends need maintenance from time to time. From glow plugs to fuel injectors and all other engine performance issues, We can keep your 7.3L living up to the hype.
While they were problematic at first, the 6.0L has earned it's place as a work horse. We can work with you to keep your diesel running or provide bullet proofing services.
While there aren't many left, we have plenty of experience keeping these trucks on the road and can solve your 6.4L concerns.
From regen issues to oil leaks, coolant leaks and all emissions failures in between, our 15 years of experience working on the 6.7L means we can fix any issues you're having.